People find themselves doing things they never could have imagined doing when there is real and desperate need calling them for help. Sometimes this verges on the edge of crazy… like jumping in high, fast-current, flood waters to save a stranded animal. Yet, when we do see this sort of thing, all of our frenzied hearts melt into a primal oneness, as we understand why. The emotions are all over the place, but our raw, collective feelings of caring are at the top. I have been most honored, having my faith restored, which never should have been lost, to know my fellow human beings for who they truly are. I should have remembered.
No one ever wants tragedy to happen. No one dreams with eager anticipation of experiencing such floods any more than we want to be visited by a heard of zombies. Yet, we humans seem to need the reawakening of our potential. It is about our capacity to love, and how we are absolutely connected to each other. These are the highest attributes that define us as human beings.
I would like to think I can go to bed at night a bit more assured that there is hope for us. Perhaps we will not allow our negative selves to take over. Greed at the top with money and power leading the way in pursuit of precious resources, those found mostly in the ground. Seeing what these pursuits do to our planet is without question heartbreaking for all of life; for us. Animals are going extinct at such a high pace that most of us could never keep up, even if we were aware. Natural habitat is disappearing at alarming rates, and large bodies of water are turning foul, including our oceans!
Taking a deeper breathe, and seeing us rise.