I was going to slough it off, but then realized it is only another form of divination and I am always intrigued with how things play out, whether we draw taro cards, swing a pendulum, do I-Ching or just open a book to any page and read a sentence. I began to think about these words, what they mean to me and how this could open up many possibilities in the coming months. They sort of gave me an easier route to help clarify my intentions, even though I have pause about how I wish this to actually happen. Perhaps it's not so much about the "how" as it is the "what".
One thing is for certain, we can say goodbye to this year. Some of us probably feel more like kicking it out the backdoor, or at least burning some sage as we enter the new year… not a bad idea. As for me on this important day, December 21st, the winter solstice, I am hopeful.
We are so ready for “feel good” right now. With Covid ragging as never before and the vaccine just beginning its journey into our lives, we need to reclaim some sense of joy, some kind of new normal in our lives, knowing full well it will never be what it was before, and awakening to the idea that this is a good thing.
Many things can do this to us in real life. Sometimes it comes with the harshness of health issues, financial changes, losing one’s home or a loved one, or a year in isolation because of a pandemic. We are in that place.
We have been given this opportunity to make change, to see a new way and to cherish what we most value. We are walking away forever changed and hopefully, we are more in love with life. I am hopeful, and mean this when I say, may this new year, 2021, be full of power, purpose, breakthroughs, family (friends) and above all, love.
Have a Happy New Year!