In my last blog post, I promised that my next post would be about my art. I even put off writing another post because, quite frankly, I didn’t feel like I had something I wanted to share. This is partly my wavering uncertainty about my work, which seems to always be in transition. I work on a few paintings that are relevant for a bit, and then I become distracted, either by other projects, or just life happening. I tend to lose interest, finding I am not driven enough to continue the series or idea. Not very productive for building a healthy body of work.
I suppose some would call this the equivalent of writer’s block for visual artists, but it doesn’t seem that severe to me. It’s more like some kind of uncertainty, inner doubt, that notorious inner-critic raising its ugly head to challenge my resolve. It’s hard to eliminate this noise, but maybe it is also about just accepting that this is part of the process of creation, and it will enter at different stages of our lives, for various reasons. I have become more aware that I need to let it be till I sort it out – not to fight it so much, and to just keep working. Although I am presently enjoying another new series of paintings, which feel right at this moment, who knows where this will go? It is in a playful stage, which always feels good to me.
It’s finally looking like fall in Houston, as we approach December in a few days. That’s how it happens here in this part of the country. Even though our fall is not nearly so apparent as those areas up north, where vibrant colors simply take one’s breathe away in every, splendid moment.
I still find it worthy to note the subtle, gradient tones scattered here and there in our area, with leaves falling into mosaic piles that only Nature could arrange. Are things really so random? Are we able to appreciate this perfect order that looks more like chaos in our everyday lives?
Why did I bring this up? It is that same scenario when it comes to making our own lives. Although I am most grateful for what I have in my life, and do believe I have come a long way, I do wish to further grow, evolve, and to fulfill my dreams of a more bountiful, meaningful, creative and joyful life.
I have seen patterns in my life, in all of life, really. Things seem to be happening for a reason, not quite as spontaneous as I have always imagined. We are generally not tuned in to our world, our environment, where Nature becomes the great teacher and healer. Some call this receiving signs, messages from the source, from the Universe, the Great Creator, or if you prefer, from God. Even when we dream, we receive a kind of universal, unspoken language of guidance in symbols, archetypes, and metaphors. I am seeing that there truly are no accidents, or perhaps better said, “no coincidences”. I have often said that I feel like I am channeling energy from another source when I am fully engaged in what I am creating. It is more like I am co-creating with something much bigger than who I am.
The metaphor was clear when I first heard it, “you have to stir the grounds to get the best flavor”. Stir things up, shake the foundation to bring possibilities to the surface, agitate the mix to cook up those opportunities and savor the best, quality results, actualizing goals, dreams and more specifically, your creative process. You have to spread your wings, swoop in for what feeds you, feeds your process, see with keen, open eyes the beauty and wonder in the smallest and most subtle of things, creating those deep ah-ha moments.
Oh, and while you are at it, try stirring those coffee grounds. You may be pleasantly surprised!